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League of Women Voters
of Jacksonville First Coast
(904) 355-8683
PO Box 330353
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
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Date: 4/30/2024
Subject: LWV/JFC May Newsletter
From: League of Women Voters of Jacksonville/First Coast

 The Voter
May 2024

President’s Message

Summer is Heating Up and That's Not Just The Temperature!
As many of our members are making plans for the summer to travel, visit with family and take advantage of the great weather we've been enjoying, please know that your League will still be engaged in the work necessary to support free and fair elections and engage the Florida voters. I'm hoping that as your summer plans allow, you will join us in some of this work.
Here's just some of the things taking place that could use the support and talent of our members:
Local Program development to determine where we will focus on time, energy, and money next year: See Annual Business Meeting announcement for dates.
Petition gathering for Right to Clean Water and Medicaid Expansion: Contact our Petition Coordinator Chase Jones at
Election Protection Virtual Training: Contact LWVFL Coordinator Ronnie Heller at
Vote411Nonpartisan Voter Guide development and candidate outreach:  Contact Deb Miller at
Voter Registration: Contact Michelle Charron Hollie at
Returning Citizen Postcard events and fundraising: Contact Lanelle at
Education Committee: Contact Susan Aertker at
Reproductive Health and Justice Committee: Contact Wendy Snee at
Environmental Work: Contact Angela DeMonbreun at
Membership Committee:  Contact Karen Parish at
While we do not yet have a Candidate Forum Committee established, if you are interested in identifying local races to develop a candidate forum for, let us know so we can help support the forum. The League has established guidelines that we adhere to as a nonpartisan organization and forums for the primary tend to be more productive to the voter and garner greater candidate participation.
After the June 5th Annual Business meeting, local board members will be holding our board orientation, working on Local Program, attending state council, and national convention, and also preparing our list of future speakers for the monthly luncheons. So, while there will be no luncheons scheduled for July, August or September, you can rest assured that we are still doing work throughout the summer months as a board and as a chapter to support League work and prepare for fall elections.
As young people in our community and families prepare to graduate from high school and college, I hope you will take the time to speak with them about their place in civic engagement. While we hear that voters under age 30 are highly sought out by many organizations to participate in the fall elections, personal conversations about issues that impact them specifically are often more impactful coming from someone they know and trust. Consider helping them realize the power of their vote, the need to be heard by local, state and federal government, and the opportunities that exist for them to get involved in election work and voter outreach to fellow voters (especially among their own age group). While there may be a vast amount of information available to them at their fingertips via social media, it may not be accurate or may be misinforming them. Take time to invest in those you know and care about.
I look forward to running into some of you at upcoming events and appreciate all the work you do on behalf of our ongoing commitment to create a more perfect democracy.
Lanelle Phillmon, President

News & Events

Bylaws Presentations
We realize that making changes to our bylaws can sometimes seem mundane or confusing so we are offering our members two presentations on the changes to the bylaws which will explain what prompted the changes and their impact on our local League.
Registration for the presentation is required and is open to League members only.
Thursday, May 2, 2024 at  6:00 pm via zoom (zoom link will be provided to registered League members April 30th)
Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 3:00 pm at Southeast Regional Library Conference Room B 10599 Deerwood Park Blvd Jacksonville, FL.
Registration is required:
Feedback regarding proposed bylaws changes is due May 15th.

Reproductive Health and Justice Committee Event
Please join the League of Women Voters of the St. Petersburg Area on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, from 6 – 7:15 PM as it hosts an exciting virtual panel “We Dissent: Reproductive Freedoms Lost & How to Take Them Back” featuring Louis Virelli, Professor of Law at Stetson College of Law, and Alyssa Morrison, Reproductive Rights Justice Staff Attorney at Lawyers for Good Government. Register for Zoom Link here
These constitutional law experts will take us through an accelerated timeline of the federal and state events that restricted our reproductive freedoms and discuss where these freedoms may be headed next. While our panelist are legal experts, there’s no need for you to be an expert to attend. Please come prepared with questions to ask during the live Q&A or questions can be sent in advance here:

May orientation
JOIN US for Orientation
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Highly recommended for New Members, and for all members who have not previously attended.
  • Learn about the history of the League, how we operate, and the process of Study and Action.
  • Meet local League Leadership, committee chairs, and other new members.
  • New Members are encouraged to attend.
  • Current members as well as non-members are also invited.
The Zoom link will be emailed to you following Registration.
Questions? Contact:
Karen Parish
Membership Director, LWVJFC

Voter Registration Committee Update
The Voter Registration Committee has been busy - we have held 10 events since January and assisted over 150 individuals with information about registering on-line, completing a paper application, returning citizen assistance, voting by mail or answering other voting questions. Most recently Rhona DiCamillo (out-going Voter Registration Director) and Michelle Hollie (in-coming Voter Registration Director) represented our League at the Strides for Pride 5K to benefit JASMYN. It was a wonderful event and an opportunity for Rhona and Michelle to seamlessly transition the work of the Voter Registration Committee. 
 For those of you who have not met Michelle Hollie, Michelle has lots of voter registration experience with the League at USCIS, Jaguars game, UNF and other events and has been engaged in local voting rights with ACLU Florida and other local organizations.  If you would like to join Michelle on the Voter Registration Committee, please reach out to her at

LWV/JFC Annual Program Planning
The LWV/JFC encourages informed and active participation in all aspects of our League work and there are many important issues on which LWV/JFC could have an impact.  Please join fellow League members on June 8, 2024 at the Southeast Regional Library from 4:00pm to 5:30pm to discuss where we could be most effective in the upcoming year.  Our current local program is available on our website.
Please RSVP here or register by clicking on the event on the calendar at  If you can't make it on June 8 or have any questions, please send your questions or input to Rhona DiCamillo at Thank you in advance for your support of this important work.

Closed Primaries in Florida
For members who are new to Florida, the August primary election is closed, meaning that only the voters registered within that political party may vote in that party's Primary Election. You can change your party affiliation by submitting an updated Voter Registration Application at any time, but the change must be made 29 days before a Primary Election in order to be valid for that election. All registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, may vote on issues and nonpartisan races during a Primary Election. Primary election day is August 20th and the deadline to change your party affiliation is July 22nd.
No Party Affiliation (NPA) voters make up around 23% of all voters in Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St Johns counties who will only be able to vote on nonpartisan races in August if they do not choose to change their party affiliation to Democrat or Republican by July 22nd. Any voter desiring to change their party affiliation prior to the primary election can change their party affiliation back to NPA immediately after the election if they desire to do so.
You can submit a paper voter registration application or go to and select "Register or Update" to change your political party affiliation.

League Election Protection Opportunity
Trying to find a way to support free and fair elections but don't have time to serve as a poll worker?  Here's an opportunity for you!
The LWVFL is part of the Election Protection coalition providing Poll Monitors at early voting sites and election day precincts. We are making preparations for the August elections and will be providing virtual training during the summer. Election protection volunteer shifts and hours will be flexible based on the local need and your availability.
If you are interested in learning more about election protection or attending the training, please email Lanelle at

Membership Update

New Members - Welcome aboard!
Toni Calabreses Boelsen
Pat Ezell
Dana Welcker
Interested in being part of the League? Click JOIN TODAY


Donations are always appreciated!
We wish to acknowledge and thank those who made donations this month:
Donation to the Ed Fund - Jeanne Czervoinke
Our website offers an easy way to make donations to LWVJFC, even if you prefer to pay by check. Click on the red "Donate" button at the top of the Homepage.

Volunteers are needed!

Quite often, our League needs volunteers to help with small tasks that are not time consuming but vital to our leadership and membership.

If you are willing to help make phone calls, be trained to send text messages, or assist in other ways, please contact us and let us help you figure out how to invest your time in our League and our democracy.

Contact Lanelle at to discuss topics and abilities.  
For more specific volunteer tasks, click HERE.

Stay Connected


Stay up-to-date on all local upcoming events on the LWV of Jacksonville / First Coast: 


• Website 

• Facebook

• LinkedIn

The Regional Facebook Group, LWV Florida North Region Leagues, includes Alachua, Bay, Jacksonville/First Coast, Okaloosa & Walton, Pensacola Bay Area, and Tallahassee.


For statewide news and action items, visit the LWV of Florida



The League of Women Voters of the United States

Contact Us!
Phone: 904-355-8683

Postal Address:
League of Women Voters of Jacksonville First Coast
PO Box 330353
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. We influence public policy through education and advocacy.
Copyright © 2023 League of Women Voters Jacksonville/First Coast, All rights reserved.
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PO Box 330353, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233

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